dimanche 28 août 2011

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - Bye bye NY ! (sniff sniff)

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - Brighton Beach

Eh wé la plage  à NY !

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - La patinoire (repère à gonzesses !)

Pourquoi les filles aiment tant faire du roller ??

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - Museum of Sex

Le sexe vu par les américains... bofbof !!

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - HighLine (an old train rail transformed as a sidewalk)

Walk on the highline with your girlfriend after 10 pm is "Le bon plan de lover" ;)

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - Girls in the city !

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - An Old Church convert to a Mall !!

This is the LimeLight, an old church who used to serve as a disco club in 80s and is now converted in a cute tiny mall...

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - Woodlawn Cemetery

This is where the great american music genious Duke Ellington and Miles Davis are buried.
Unfortunately, i arrive late in the cemetery, and couldnt have a permit to take more pictures of their graves... it will be for the next time

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - Architectures, Design, Streets

New York 2011 !! episode 1 - Guggenheim museum